Ok, ok. I know you're thinking that I said that this blog was supposed to be for healthy foods. The words soda and pop don't necessarily conjure up images of healthful eating, so try to think of this as a treat. I don't drink pop. Well, I shouldn't say that. I try to limit my pop consumption greatly. I have a pop maybe every month or so. I'm pregnant, though, and sometimes I really just crave a carbonated beverage. I found this alternative to work really well. The only problem is not drinking too much of it, because it is really high in calories! Again: it's a treat!
WIC food:
12 oz juice concentrate in your favorite flavor, thawed (These are on checks for pregnant and breastfeeding women only, from what I understand.)
Non-WIC food:
1 liter of club soda
Mix the two ingredients in a pitcher, stir and serve over ice. I think the drink is delicious with grape concentrate. If you don't have concentrate on hand, in a pinch you can just add a splash of club soda to a glass of juice and get a similar effect.
This sounds really yummy! I like carbonated beverages but most taste way too sweet to me. This is a great way to get the exact amount of sweetness you want. And the grape does sound extra good! I'd love to see you post more recipes on here using WIC ingredients. If you'd ever like to write a guest post on my blog wicwoes.com I'd be honored to publish it.